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Woolworth is committed to acting in a socially responsible manner, which we believe is the foundation for healthy economic growth. We also want to give something back to the people who contribute to our success, as we also see this as part of our responsibility.

Corporate environmental protection

Online brochre

Since May 2022, we have done away with printed advertising brochures. We present our offers exclusively in our online brochure and in the kaufDA and MeinProspekt apps. Our customers will continue to receive a summary of all offers in our regular newsletter.

Switching to digital brochures allows us to react quickly and flexibly to delivery problems with individual offers and guarantee that the brochure content is up to date. In addition, the cost savings are enormous - at least since the sharp rise in raw material prices.

However, the focus of this measure is on sustainability: we have printed around 1.5 billion advertising brochures since 2010. In future, we will no longer use more than 2,000 tons of paper per year, thus saving valuable resources.

Sustainable carrier bags

On average, a carrier bag made of ordinary plastic will only be used for 30 minutes but takes 500 years just to partially decompose. This is a major source of pollution and the reason why we have decided to only use sustainable carrier bags. In doing so, we are guided by the European Parliament’s draft legislation aimed at reducing use of plastic bags in the EU.

You can take your items home in eco-friendly, reusable cotton and PET bags, the latter being made of both old and new polyethylene terephthalate (PET), providing them added protection against tears and water.

We also have climate-neutral paper bags manufactured in Germany. Climate-neutral production means that unavoidable emissions are compensated for by reducing an equal amount of emissions in other areas.

The paper bags bear the recognized Climateline logo. The ID number in each logo constitutes transparent documentation, and the CO2 offsetting information can be accessed on the Climateline website.


Through the emission savings, Climateline supports various climate protection projects and allocates these to the cooperation partners. Woolworth supports the European Climate Corridors project, which aims to connect habitats across Europe on a large scale. The project focuses on halting the loss of biodiversity in Europe in the face of climate change.


For more information on Climateline and the environmental projects, please visit

Sustainable new building

In 2020, Woolworth built a future-oriented company headquarters with an attached logistics complex in Unna, Westphalia, laying the foundation for a continued successful future. We are using innovative heating and cooling technology in the new building. Thanks to the use of a combined heat and power unit, the use of resources is optimized with the highest possible efficiency. Part of the energy generated during the heating process is converted into electrical power and fed directly into the internal power supply. A so-called building core activation system ensures a natural and balanced indoor climate all year round. A flow of water in the ceilings regulates a large part of the room temperature. A blind system with automated sun movement also prevents strong temperature fluctuations caused by direct sunlight. The lighting in our premises is also designed to be sustainable: LED spotlights and lights are installed throughout the building, most of which are fitted with motion sensors.

With all these measures, Woolworth is increasing the energy efficiency of the new headquarters and contributing to the climate-friendly use of resources.

Social responsibility

Help and hope foundation

The help and hope foundation was set up in 2005 by Stefan Heinig and other committed entrepreneurs to give disadvantaged children and young people the chance of a better future.

Woolworth has regularly supported the foundation with donations in kind and financial contributions since 2010. In 2020, we received the "Gold Sponsor" award from help and hope for this commitment.

We have not sold plastic bags since 2016 and instead offer our customers sustainable and reusable PET carrier bags. This allows us to improve our environmental footprint and support projects run by the help and hope foundation at the same time. For every PET carrier bag sold, Woolworth donates 5 cents to the charitable foundation.

You will also find donation plates for the help and hope foundation in every Woolworth store. Our customers can support the important work of the foundation with even the smallest amounts.

Help and hope focuses on long-term and sustainable support for children and young people in need. The foundation is also operationally active in its own projects.

With Gut Königsmühle, help and hope has created a feel-good place where children and young people can discover and experience nature. They offer regular activities and vacation programs for children where they can try things out, explore and be creative. The farm is also an excellent excursion destination and extracurricular place of learning for schools, kindergartens and clubs.

You can find more information at:

Our guiding principles

Woolworth has always stood for diversity and fairness. We also strongly believe in conducting ourselves with integrity. We expect equally high standards of ourselves and our business partners in this regard. We have established these standards with clear guidelines and principles in our Code of Conduct.

View Code of Conduct


As a retail company, we are also aware of our special responsibility within global supply chains. We are therefore actively committed to protecting human rights and environmental concerns both in our own business area and in the supply chain. We have set out our strategy for respecting human rights and environmental concerns in our declaration of principles. This describes both our supply chain risk management and the priority human rights and environmental risks identified for Woolworth. The policy statement also includes specific human rights and environmental expectations for our employees and suppliers.

View Policy Statement


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