Calling all DIY fans!
Do you want one of these amazing pendants for your purse or keys?
No problem!
We’ll show you how to make your own pendant in just 10 easy steps.
Your materials:
We sell everything you need to make your pendant:
- 480cm macramé yarn
- 1x measuring tape
- 1x scissors
- 1x keychain
- 1x adhesive tape / S-hook
- sewing thread (optional)

Step 1
Cut the yarn into four 120cm-long pieces.
Step 2
Either stick the keychain to a table with adhesive tape or hang it on a clothes rail using an S-hook. Do whatever works better for you.
Step 3
Start by making a lark’s head knot.
To do this, take the first thread of the yarn and place both ends together to create a loop in the middle.
Now guide the loop through the keyring from front to back and pull the other end of the yarn through the loop to create a knot. Now repeat with the remaining three threads.

Step 4
You now have a total of eight threads in front of you. Split these in the middle so that you have four on the left and four on the right.
Now make your half hitch knot, starting on the left-hand side.
Take the fourth thread from the left (our “work thread”) and place it over the other three threads to its left to create a backwards “L” shape. Now take the third thread from the left and place it over the “L” from below. This creates a hole through which you pull the third thread.
Now you just need to tighten the knot and repeat the step with the remaining two threads.
It’s important that you always tighten the knot well to ensure everything looks even and stays in place.

Step 5
Now it’s time for the right-hand side.
Take the work thread (fourth thread from the right) and place it over the other three threads to its right to form an “L” shape. Take the third thread from the right and place it over the work thread from below, then tighten the knot. Complete the same process with the two remaining threads.

Step 6
Now it’s time to start on the reef knot. Move the outer threads to the side. You now have six threads in total. Take the outer-left thread (our work thread) and place it over the next four threads to create an “L” shape. Now take the sixth thread and place straight down over the “L”, guide it behind the four central threads and pull it forwards through the hole between the work thread and the four threads. Finally, tighten the knot. Now repeat the process on the other side.

Step 7
Now start tie the half hitch knots on the right, then on the left. The outermost thread is the work thread in this instance.

Step 8
Finally, to give your pattern a beautiful sweeping finish, take the work thread from the left-hand side and continue the half hitch knots up to the final thread on the right.

Step 9
Split your threads in the middle again to leave you with four threads on each side. To make the sides match, create the half hitch knot with the four threads on the left.

Step 10
Now make another reef knot and continue the pattern until you are happy with the length of your pendant.

To give your pendant a nice finish, take all the threads, wrap them with your sewing thread, knot it and cut the remaining ends to your desired length.

We hope you enjoy making this!

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